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Wednesday, December 12, 2007


What thoughts do the stars provoke? One of amazement, one of littleness, one of the world? I was looking out at the sky the other night while I was doing the paper route, and saw one of the most breath-taking sites I have ever seen - the stars. I got to thinking about them and night and thought about how stars only appear at night when it is dark. I started looking at just one star, and found that one star, though very powerful (powerful enough to send light to the earth from light years away) almost a tiny detail in the whole picture. One thing I found interesting, while thinking and observing the stars, was that God calls us to each be a light to the world, no matter how dark the sky may be.
You are the light of the world--like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Mat 5:14
One other interesting thing is, if you were to take a step back and look at the world as you would a clear night sky, would you be one of the, seemingly tiny, but yet HUGE, stars?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. It's rare that we look at the stars or stop to look at anything for any length of time as a matter of fact. Good one Kev. When I look out at the stars tonight, which I actually plan to stop and look at tonight, I'll think of God's plan for my small life within the vast plan of His own.