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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Control: The butt of our existence

Who has ever been so busy they did not know what to do with themselves? I know I am in that situation right now, maybe not as bad as some others, but its pretty bad. Life becomes very difficult when you have to start managing every bit of your time between five-hundred different things. For me, I am juggling school, baseball, work, getting stuff ready for Romania, college stuff, all while trying to have a social life. I have found that it gets very, very easy to let all of these things cloud our vision and take control of our plans for eternity. For those of you that came to church last night, this is very similar to the message Mr. Chan had for us. I took sometime after church last night just to sit outside and look up at the sky and think about all the wonderful, amazing things God does for us. I saw the clouds moving slowly and calmly. I saw the trees blowing in the wind. I heard birds chirping. I felt the wind on my face. I never would have felt all of that if I did not take the time to slow down and just look in awe at what God has created for us. Nothing that I saw heard or felt last night was there on just a whim, God placed everything there at that exact time. The birds did not just fly there, the wind did not just randomly come to Thomasville, NC at that exact moment in time. God put all of that there. He does the same thing for us. Psalm 119:105 says:
Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.

See, we get so wrapped up in all the things we have to accomplish for this event, that class, this game, that whatever, that we completely forget where we are headed. We get lost in darkness. By listening to God we have a light. Something to help us get through our busy, often confusing times. So take some time to chill out, get away from the busyness of life. Let God take control instead of trying to handle everything all at once.


Anonymous said...

beautiful. this one is my favorite by far. (:

by the way, i found a verse that deals with my anger stuff. it's ecclesiastes 10:4. thanks for the suggestion, best friend.


Anonymous said...

To become wise, you hang out with those whose wisdom you desire. Solomon desired God's wisdom and was given authority in the bible through his writings. This strike home because you have written about the beauty of God though His creation that you felt when you slowed down. Seems to me you are growing wiser and your source of wisdom cannot be equaled.


Anonymous said...

This is one of the best so far Kevin. I think that It is ALWAYS necessary to slow down in the blur of life and marvel at God's Wonders here on Earth. I have even seen that I'm starting to fall into this catagory, at least a little. This is an awesome oppurtunity to serve your fellow Christians. Thanx,

Anonymous said...

Well said.