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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Matthew 14:27

Hey Everyone! I hope you all are having a marvelous week so far! I know that mine has been quite stressful with the graduation project, school in general, band, and work. Those four things in general have pretty much consumed my life and it has been very stressful for the last month or so, but the neat thing is God is there for us just like when Jesus came to the disciples when they were on the boat and the storm came up. Storms come up all around us and can cause a lot of stress in our lives, but the cool thing is we don't have to worry about that stuff too much because, like it says in Matthew 14:27, "But Jesus spoke to them at once. 'Don't be afraid,' he said. 'Take courage I am here.'" This is right before Peter walks on water, and when Peter begins to stress about the waves, he begins to sink. Jesus then says, "you have so little faith why did you doubt me?" this is telling us that when we have situations where we do not really understand whats going on we need to have faith and trust that God will bring us through our situations. So, as we go through the rest of our week lets remember to have faith, even in those stressful situations. I love you all and hope you all have a FANTASTIC rest of the week!

- Kevin Kassakatis

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