
Thanks to Matt, we now have this much cooler way of communicating our thoughts on different subjects. So, every Thursday morning, afternoon, or evening come check out the new post!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mine, Mine, Mine!

So apparently it sounds like I'm stealing everything from Matt, but im not. I was at my band competition on Saturday where we competed against East Davidson. We lost just like the other four years I have been in band, and I became so self-centered on me winning and taking all the trophies. And then on the way to our next competition, I thought to myself "WOW, I have been really selfish, why cant I look at the previous competitions and years and be content with what we have won?" One thing we all struggle with at times is wanting everything, literally everything. There is a verse that says something to the affect of God provides everything the birds need and we don't see them crying for more. We all have plenty of stuff to make it through. Life is so much more enjoyable when we look at what we have and not what we do not have. This is because when we look at what we have we are proud of the effort and time we put into getting that certain possession, rather than looking at what others have and becoming envious of them. So as we go through the week lets all look at all the stuff that we do have and that we have accomplished and be content with that.

-Kevin Kassakatis

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